What is Sedex?

SMETA Audit Requirement
Social audits perspective of PDCA

Before we explain what is  Sedex  Audits we have to know about Sedex and SMETA. Sedex is a Standard used for Ethical Trade Audits. SEDEX is a non-profit organization which works by the secure online data base for the improvement of ethical and responsible business practices. Sedex members can share and manage information related to Labour Standards, Health & Safety, The Environment and Business Ethics. Sedex members are committed for enhancement. The main role of Sedex is to share and manage supply-chain information in an effective manner, aiming at Continuous improvement.

Sedex Contact Number for Eurocert

CONTACT US – NOW  +91-9316012883


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    Social Resources/Issues in  Europe
    Trafficking of labour
    Bonded Labour
    Environmental Compliances
    Lower than Minimum Wages

    Industry Type In Europe
    Europe has all types of Industries and Sedex audit are more focussed in the following industries
    Textile and Apparels
    Fresh fruits
    Service Sectors


    Official Sedex Audit Related Legal Resources for Europe